Battleplans Wiki


"She renders her squad invisible"

Baba is sneaky.

Ability: Invisibility[]

Baba turns invisible at the beginning of combat, and remains so until she attacks or her timer runs out.


Level 7: Elite Squad

Baba and her squad gain bonus damage for a time after coming out of invisibility.

Level 17: Lasting Invisibility (Cost 12,000G)

Invisibility has no time limit.

Level 23 / Chapter 18: Hidden Archers (Cost 30,000G 8,000P)

Archers in her squad gain 15% damage.

Level 32 / Chapter 39: Worldly-Wise (Cost 95,000G 42,000P 12,000J)

Her stats are all boosted.

Level 57 / Chapter 39: Shadow Armour (Cost 1,570,000G 1,300,000P 1,200,000J)

Baba and squad start with +10 armour until 2 seconds after they are revealed.


On Defense:[]

BattlePlans BabaStrategy

Baba placed close enough to a Crystal around a long wall, keeping her well positioned to guard the top right node or recapture the top left if needed (sneakily).

Baba remaining hidden until the opportune moment makes her a powerful tool to sneak wins in with. After unlocking "Lasting Invisibility", she can indefinitely remain invisible and can wait 'til the last few seconds of a match to recapture points. Additionally, her invisibility prevents opponents from tripping abilities such as Iriel's hawk until the invisibility is no longer active. She can also be placed around corners of Capture Crystals to make her attempt to recapture a node. Her invisibility allows her squad to approach enemy Archers and engage them in melee combat before they can even fire.

Baba likes Iriel as she can efficiently move Iriel with her falcon attached to Baba without Iriel herself needing to move. If following behind a stunning hero such as Balthor or Dyna, she pushes out great damage where the enemy may not have been expecting it. It's important to be careful with positioning on Defense as to not allow enemies to break Baba's invisibility early - Taigar's Mystical Stag is often used to pop abilities of heroes like Balthor & Dyna so they aren't useable later. Keeping Baba away from heroes likes these whenever possible is important.




On Attack:[]



